‘Rage Applying’ is now taking the headlines across the US, leaving employers and employees frustrated and unsatisfied. The viral trend made popular by TikTok videos highlights the practice of unhappy employees applying to any open role they can to leave their current job. The idea behind the trend, a worker feeling undervalued seeking better options, is not a new idea in the work field. And while it really won’t help candidates stand out to recruiters and hiring managers the way a professional brand will, it does, however, reveal the underlying issue that has been around for centuries: the disconnect between employers and employees.
The current workforce, specifically younger generations, are struggling to feel seen and heard in their professions. Therefore, they take their rage to the recruitment process as a way to actively express their dissatisfaction. However, the cautionary tale of keeping emotions in check when it comes to rash work decisions still applies.
According to CNBC, hiring managers view this reactive trend as a “red flag” rather than the solution people believe they are seeking. Applying to multiple jobs with generic resumes and a lack of genuine interest in the company will lead employees back to square one. That can manifest into getting the job at a place they have no passion for, or receiving rejections that hurt confidence even more. In our experience at Matlen Silver, we have found other solutions to career concerns, and this trend is no expectation.
Although candidates may fear there is no other choice but to apply out of rage, it’s time to regroup and BE THE DIFFERENCE in the applicant pool. The first step starts with professional branding.
Tap into Your Values to Stand Out to Recruiters and Hiring Managers
To create your professional brand, reflect on who you are, what you stand for, and what skills you bring to the job. Once you’ve got that down, share it with the world. Take your story to LinkedIn, Twitter, or your personal website. A great way to do this can be through your “About Me” section. Instead of publishing a traditional blurb of what you do, show potential recruiters why you do what you do.
A perfect example of this is through the uniqueness, values, and expertise tactic highlighted in the Harvard Business Reviews article.Writing examples, sharing work highlights, recorded videos, or showing your work in action (how about recording yourself doing a programming exercise as a hands-on show-and-tell). Think about an athlete recruit; they can write down how many interceptions they’ve made, but they all have film showing the play in action.
Start your introduction with a fun fact that makes you different than the rest, connect it with your values and finish strong with how this has built your expertise or passion for your field.
Find Companies that Align with your Professional Brand
Most enraged workers find themselves in a position where they don’t feel supported at work. A common cause of this is due to the employer’s inability to give their worker what they need. To avoid this, as a candidate make it clear from the beginning what you are looking for in a company and express that in your interviews and cover letters.
For instance, if you are someone who prioritizes an inclusive workforce and it’s a big part of who you are and what you value, make this known during an interview. Whether it’s by asking your interviewer what they are doing to make the company more diverse or simply stating that it is something you are looking for, be forthright with your passion and values with your professional brand. This will not only help you in the long run by aligning you with a job environment that makes you happy, but it will make you stand out to recruiters and hiring managers during the recruitment process. They’ll remember what you value.
Forbes states that the current recruiting landscape is focusing more on culture and values to find the right fit. Recruiters are even utilizing a tapping technology that identifies personality traits within applicants. Hence, the power of professional branding is stronger than ever. Furthermore, according to LinkedIn, employees who grow their professional brand are not only likely to stay at their job and flourish but “they are happier and more satisfied.” We know it’s easier said than done to find a company that’s the right fit for you. That’s why our final step ends with staffing firms.
Recruiters Can Help Find Your Perfect Career Match
Working with the right recruiting firm leads to an efficient and successful job without the overwhelming emotions of stress and worry. According to Indeed, using a recruiter offers a chance to evaluate before commitment, expand the search for opportunities and save time and resources. By partnering with a great recruiter, they will get to know you and follow your professional brand, understand what makes you stand out as a top hire, and advocate for you when the right opportunity arises.
Our ability at Matlen Silver to staff the right IT person in the right role continues to drive success for the consultants and clients we work hard for. We are ever-growing and delivering the best talent with our eyes set on your best future.